Bluegrass Music Events Festivals 2023

After originating in the Appalachian region of the United States in the 1940s, Bluegrass Music’s popularity soon spread to various other parts of the country. Bluegrass music is traditionally performed on acoustic instruments such as harmonica, piano, drums, etc. It has roots in traditional Scottish, English, and Irish ballads, dance tunes, and blues and jazz music. Bluegrass music has survived those times and is still thriving today.
Watching gifted bluegrass musicians play instruments and sing soulful notes in a live concert evokes old memories and stirs a myriad of emotions among listeners. Here they will get a delightful and satisfying music experience that cannot be described in mere words.
Do you want to relive such an experience? Then exciting Bluegrass Music Events are lined up for you in this new year, 2023.
The first one is Cherokee Bluegrass Festival. It will be held at Happy Holiday RV Village that is located in the U.S. state of North Carolina. The event starts on June 8, 2023 and ends on June 10, 2023. The star musicians performing in this event are Rhonda Vincent & The Rage, The Malpass Brothers, Deeper Shade Of Blue, Terry Baucom’s Dukes of Drive, Backline, and more.
The next Bluegrass Event in the line is the North Carolina State Bluegrass Festival. It will be held from August 17, 2023 to August 19, 2023 at Marion, North Carolina. The musicians participating in the event are big names in Bluegrass music. These include Rhonda Vincent & The Rage, Retro 78, Tim Graves & Farm Hands, The Malpass Brothers, Williamson Branch, Deeper Shade of Blue, and Authentic Unlimited.
The Cherokee Fall Music Festival is the next event lined up in this new year. It will be organized from September 7, 2023 to September 9, 2023 in Cherokee, NC. The Malpass Brothers, David Frizzell, Authentic Unlimited, Nick Chandler and Delivered, and MC Sherry Boyd are some of the leading bluegrass musicians and bands performing at this event.
Evans Media Source, a reputed and renowned music production company, has organized these Cherokee and NC based Music events to benefit passionate music lovers. This company has turnkey event planning, on-site management, sound reinforcement, and talent procurement expertise. Besides providing all these services, it also works as a consultant for other companies or people organizing music events.
Apart from breathtaking live music, some other attractions are awaiting you at the events, whose information is available at the Evans Media Source, LLC website.
Book your tickets today to avoid missing the bluegrass music treat at these North Carolina based Bluegrass Festivals. Do you want to have more information about how to book tickets, timing and date of Cherokee Bluegrass Festival and other Bluegrass events in 2023, seating chart, etc. ? Then refer to the website of Evans Media Source, LLC and be prepared for the exciting music extravaganza.
Find here more details about Your Favorite Florida Live Bluegrass Festival Shows.